
The children's book I'm trying to publish...
         Definitely, the advice I received 
                                     to not do fiction,
was good advice.
I'm doing fiction because I had written a story
           and all I had to do,
                 so I thought,             was to add pictures.            

Wow!  My trying to get artists to draw a picture of a kid by 
showing them pictures of different kids, proved to 
nearly be futile.
                  Basically, I didn't get what I wanted.

I started with 4 artists on, cut 2, then paid for
pictures from the other two artists to see which artist was
the most suitable for doing the whole book.

Neither of the two remaining artists were suitable.
                   So I'm going to take a short break
                      from trying to communicate what I want
                             in my children's book.

Hopefully, when I find some more possible suitable artists,
        my communication skills
        the new artists' communication skills will be better than
those expressed during the past 7 days.
           -or, maybe the artists just need to have better artistic skills.                                        I don't know.

Yesterday, I looked at horse racing and the odds of winning.  I had hoped that if I bet on all the horses that I would win no matter
  which horse came first.
   But no.  It doesn't work that way. In fACT, IT isn't even close!

The past two weeks I have been reading and learning about trading 
  and the stock market.
   I had been thinking that eventually I would end up growing my
    large earnings via the trading,  
     but lately, with my frustration with technology, communicating      to the artists, and lack of enjoyment of doing something 
       creative, I've been more interested in just getting money 
        without working way too hard trying to do something to get          it.

       I do still have to learn more about trading, but my
         learning about how I'm going to possibly make money,
           seems to be a lot more fun than learning how to try to 
             make something from which I possibly can make money. 

There still is my list of things I want to make.
But, at this time,I would say that if I continue to spend lots of 
time learning how to make something, and then try to make it, and 
then, try to sell it for a small amount of money, or worse, don't
even finish it, I may never get enough money, or have enough time,
to make the things that are on my list!

So, the plan right now, is,1)to get other people to finish my 
    children's book, including publishing it;
                           2)  get other people to finish my other 
    books, including publishing them;
                           2-3)get other people to make money for      me from "Now We Shall Begin;"
                           1-3)continue to learn about trading;
                           4)  trade to make more money;
                           1-6)make sleep a priority;
                           1-6)continue socializing 4-5 times/week
    for fun, for making friends for fun, for making friends who I 
    can contract work to; 
                           5-6)get people to build the things on my    list and appropriately sell them so that I keep part ownership;
                           6)  do the other things that are on my 


I’ve finally sent picts to artists

I've finally sent pictures 
                           of a boy,
               for my book,
to the two artists I've chosen as the MOST SUITABLE  artists
for the children's book I'm publishing.

        This money making experience has been more difficult
                                        THAN I THOUGHT,

but at least now 
        I have made
                  a positive action towards its completion.

I now have learned that even after I have the writing
                           IN THE RIGHT PLACE,on the pages, 
                  that I have to also decide how 
                                  each character is going to stand,
                                                         or sit,
                                   how the head is placed,
                                 what expression is on the
                                                character's face,
                                 what clothes they wear, etc.
So now I can do this… except I have to do this with three more
characters on 14 more diagrams.

And that's the work I'll be doing the next little while.

today I…-7/29/13(1:15am)

I finished the content for my children’s book yesterday, including having it edited.

Yesterday and today I did a more indepth search for pictures of people for my children’s book.  I found one suitable picture and need 3 more pictures.

I’ve also sent out information and communication to a few artists regarding them drawing and painting pictures of people for the book.

I now just need to find one more picture to show to the two most suitable artists, so that they can do a (paid) sample.   Then I can decide which artist’s style is most suitable for the book.

Also, I’m happily, continually, getting lots of help from my friends, including family, which I am very grateful for.   Thank you!

Today, I… – 7/27/13

Today, I worked on my book for children. I’m not enjoying the process.

I looked into investing possibilities, (last night and today.). It would be nice for me to learn enough abt. trading so that if an obvious moneymaking opportunity arose, I could take advantage of it.

Trying to get 10% (of some amount of money) [-edit]seems to be difficult right now, unless I spend lots of time learning about trading, (or unless I get lucky). And even then, I’d want to be betting $1,000,000 to at least get $100,000 (10%) profit.

I don’t presently have $1,000,0000 to play with,(risk losing).

So today, I also looked at stuff I’ve made in the past and looked at how I
might cash in on them in the future.

Today, I…-7/25/13

Today, I measured the distance of my required extra long ethernet cable, which I needed to go from the modem to my little study, where my computer is.

I used string and some making tape. Then measured the length of the string.

So now I have bought my ethernet cable -$39. including tax, for 25 feet. I really only
needed 20 feet. An expense I wasn’t counting on.

I also went to yoga. I’m gradually getting my body back into shape. I’d had an accident,
and this combined with anxiety left me not using my body for much.

The best physiotherapist I found has had me doing exercises. He says that I next need to


yoga (Photo credit: GO INTERACTIVE WELLNESS)

do yoga for further stretching, and then Pilates. Then I’m ready to dance ( which I love), and work out to build some muscles.

I expect to live as long as possible, and enjoy life in other ways besides those that require sitting.

[I cannot do the position that’s in the picture (above) yet, but my teacher can. She says it’s mostly about balance. While I agree with the balance part, I would say, from my experience of trying to do this position, that one needs to also have both strength and flexibility in the right places.]

I’m presently working on preparing to publish my first book. I’ve written lots of stuff, so I
figure that I can make a bunch of money from it, specially when I compare my writing to those who are already making money from writing.

And that’s basically what I did today.

Today, I…7/23/13

Ok. I’m going to try today to stick with business related stuff.

(-More other life story later)

Today, I had my internet set up to cable. This is my own set up, so I’m expecting more consistency in my internet connection.
(I did have to reconfigure my computer settings before i received a signal). This, I wasn’t told, I had to do.)

I shared wifi before.

Hopefully, I won’t have to consider any security issues too, re: my computer, since it’s not connected to wifi,(it’s connected via ethernet to cable). I don’t know this for certain,
-hopefully my data usage, on my phone, will suffice for when I’m not home. & I expect iCloud to connect the two devices together without my having wifi, but ‘we shall see’.

Another significant thing I did today was to play a board game at a meet up. It was sort of fun. I had to learn how to play the game as well as try to enjoy playing the game and of course try to win.
There seems to be a lot of different board games, which I could have to learn to play.

I’m usually for, learn how to play a game, play the same game several times, so that it’s easy, then keep playing it for fun,
The goal, for me, is to learn something that’s going to help me make more money, learn social skills/make friends, or help me have a better girlfriend/relationship, and, also have
Today, I spent 4hours playing time + 1 1/2 hours travel time to only get a little bit of fun.

I’m not too sure I’ll return to the meetup. A meetup that’s closer to me would be better, and a meetup where I get out of it what I want, would be better, too. So I guess I’ll look for other meet ups .

…till tomorrow.

today, I…-7/22/13

[Actually, Saturday & Sunday (yesterday), I began my research to learn how to make
and then sell a book on]

On Thursday,  I went to a business meetup, ( where I learned a bit about time management.

Yesterday and today, I have been using the filter in my gmail account, on my computer,
to filter out the unwanted emails I’ve been receiving, in part so that they don’t get
‘pushed’ to my cell phone.

(Now I don’t have to delete those unwanted emails 2x)(And I’ll have more time)

Furthermore, I end up with less data used on my cell plan.

Today, I also deleted an e-mail account on my cell phone. The application had come with the phone when I bought it, so I first used that account. (Now I use gmail’s app for email.)

More data had been pushed to this now deleted account, which caused me to use up still more data, for no reason.

Yesterday, I found out that I had used 3/4 of my allowed 300mb in 5 days, so I needed ways to reduce the data that I was using.  (-so I have).

Tomorrow, I’m supposed to get hooked up to my own internet, including wifi.  Then I can
use  even less data on my phone.  (This, of course, allows me to pay out less money for
a more expensive data plan.

I also went out for, “tea”with a friend.  I love having friends, and who knows if or when they might come in handy for business reasons.


I have been going to meetings, 5 times each week for the past two weeks.

I used to go to a Shyness/Anxiety group, but I no-longer do.

The Shyness/Anxiety group enabled me to talk in front of the group, and learn to feel comfortable with the other people in the group.

Three weeks ago, I allowed myself to be, basically, forced into social situations with people I thought highly of, (basically, my brother and his friends).
At the end of that week,(two weeks ago), I was both ready and motivated to work on my social skills by attending a variety of “meet-ups” with people who either weren’t shy or I didn’t know they were shy.

These people were all strangers to me.
I’ve managed to get in the process of making one new friend. This has meant that we do stuff outside of the structure of a group.-very helpful and fun too.
Some of the people in these ‘non-shyness groups’, actually seem more shy, than people in the Shyness/Anxiety group.

Sometimes I have had to push myself to attend a meeting, remain at a meeting, and talk/listen to people.

And so my social skills and confidence have improved during the past three weeks, but I still have a long way to go before I’m as comfortable as I believe I need to be.
-for e.g. I still need to be the person who initiates receiving/giving contact information to a potential friend. (exchanging business cards with someone who is only a possible contact, doesn’t count, for me).

After a year of this socializing, I expect to feel at home in the ‘social world’ or at least have made a significant improvement in my skills.

Point: I neither want, nor expect, to make $12trillion and mostly always feel happy, by spending most of my life, by myself.

(Worth mentioning was formed, I believe in NYC. Many people are starting groups under the ‘’ umbrella and making money by helping/allowing others who have same interests to get together. There are so many big cities in USA where entrepreneurs could make lots of cash. There’s a few large cities in Canada too. It seems like there’s tons of groups here in Toronto, and I’m sure that at least a couple of the organizers of the groups are making a good bunch of cash from the the groups they administer. There are several meetup.coms in U.S.A., but I don’t have a record of where, exactly.) d