I’ve finally sent picts to artists

I've finally sent pictures 
                           of a boy,
               for my book,
to the two artists I've chosen as the MOST SUITABLE  artists
for the children's book I'm publishing.

        This money making experience has been more difficult
                                        THAN I THOUGHT,

but at least now 
        I have made
                  a positive action towards its completion.

I now have learned that even after I have the writing
                           IN THE RIGHT PLACE,on the pages, 
                  that I have to also decide how 
                                  each character is going to stand,
                                                         or sit,
                                   how the head is placed,
                                 what expression is on the
                                                character's face,
                                 what clothes they wear, etc.
So now I can do this… except I have to do this with three more
characters on 14 more diagrams.

And that's the work I'll be doing the next little while.