Back from holiday-June/July ’13

I’m back to business and blogging.  ( or I should say, more concentrated business…)

The traveling, to places I travelled to, was awesome, and the places,  people I met,  people I re-met, and people I already knew, were amazing and lots of fun!

I managed to learn a few more things about computer technology and business, though it was through music business.
I re-met the guys (and girl) in Makeshift Innocence, and also met Trinity Bradshaw.  Trinity looks so classy in person.  (I vote that better photos are to
to be taken of her).
I find that it’s usually inspirational for me to meet/hang out with awesome people that are mov’n on up. I’ve read this as advice many times; maybe this time it will sink in my brain.

My computer, however, seems to have deteriorated once 
again, so I'm not sure  how much posting
I will do until this computer is 
         good again.

(I like to see a full page of what I'm posting verses,
           only viewing the small 
                mobile version.)

Hopefully, I can do a few more things, and make a few more posts, 
before I take this computer in for repairs.

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