More difficulties than normal

I have clicked on "Preformatted", 3 seconds ago.

Interesting, a good way to make a line disappear seems to be to
click "Prefomatted" then hit return.

But maybe these types of occurrences are normal for a site like this. Maybe other users have become accustomed to having about twenty problems in a space sixty minutes
of about I don't know.
But I do know that if this doesn't change to soon...

Maybe it's the energy that's surrounding me. Maybe, because I stated that I intend to make/get 12 $trillion that much of the energy that surrounds me when I do anything
that could enable me to MAKE MONEY,
freaks out.

I do not know.
When I use a different computer like at the internet cafe I went to
I still had problems with this site.
While I'm at home I have been having problems
with sending messages on Facebook.Today, on a new email site, I noticed there isn't a link
to change one's cell phone number.
Apparently, though, other users have had the same issue.

So maybe it's not just me. Or maybe it wasn't just me in the previous example.


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